Below are some useful websites to help with understanding cancer and other resources that are available. Check out "cancer index" link - it has over 400 useful websites!
American Brain Tumor Association - For 40 years, the ABTA has been providing comprehensive resources that support the complex needs of brain tumor patients and caregivers, as well as the critical funding of research in the pursuit of breakthroughs in brain tumor diagnosis, treatment and care.
American Cancer Society - Includes the latest news in research and much more!
BMT Infonet - Find links to a companion program, where new patients are matched with families who have already completed the transplant. Plus a page with descriptions of the most popular drug names you will see during transplant.
Cancer Index - Oncology Related Sites and Pages - Almost 400 Links!
Cancer Kids Home - Helping Children with Cancer Tell Their Stories to the World!
Hope through the Storm - The mission of Hope Through The Storm Cancer Support Ministries is to share faith, hope and encouragement with cancer patients, survivors, families and friends.
CarePages - Personal Web pages that help family and friends communicate when someone is receiving care. It's free, private and easy to use!
Caring Bridge - A free service allowing patients (or anyone receiving care) to communicate with their family and friends using a Web Page. Easy to follow steps allow you to create and update your own Web Page.
Cure Our Children - The site in targets the needs of Peds. Hem./Onc families who are searching for information.
Cure Search - Represents the combined efforts of the National Childhood Cancer foundation and the Children's Oncology Group.
Current open Sarcoma Clinical Trials:
Leukemia - In depth information on Leukemia
American Academy of Pediatrics - an organization of 62,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America - A national voluntary health agency dedicated to curing leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma - and to improving the quality of life of patients and their families.
Mayo Clinic - More than 3,300 physicians, scientists and researchers from Mayo Clinic share their expertise to empower you.
National Childhood Cancer Foundation (NCCF) - Supports a network of childhood cancer treaments and research institutions throughout North America.
National Children Cancer Society (NCCS) - NCCS serves as a financial, emotional, and educational resource for families that can't make ends meet when their child is diagnosed with cancer.
OncoLink - Through OncoLink you can get comprehensive information about specific types of cancer, updates on cancer treatments and news about research advances
Pediatric Oncology Resource Center - This resource center was created by and for people who know young people who are recovering from cancer. Most of the contributors to this site are members of the ACOR pediatric cancer mailing lists, especially ped-onc, ped-onc-survivors, and ALL-kids.
Brandon's Defense lists these links as a courtesy and does not endorse any of the sites or claim any accuracy to the content of those sites. Our intention it to help provide additional information and support that may be helpful to kids and parents going through cancer treatment. We will continue to add helpful links to the page.