Fundraisers/Donations by others...
We have been fortunate to have people/groups do their own fundraisers and donate the profits they raised to Brandon's Defense. Below is a list of the generous people that have raised funds to help our cause!

Huge thanks to Jeanette & Steven Richards for the $1,000 donation, Jeffrey & Deanna Fenech for the $500 donation and the many others that have donated to Brandon's Defense in honor of Adam Dec. - Adam's Army has contributed almost $7,500 to support our missions!!!!!

2014 Christmas Day bike/run/walk in honor of Josiah Lake: Jason Evans coordinated a fundraiser in honor of Josiah on Christmas day in Dewitt, Michigan for a drop in run/walk. Jason rode his bike 100 miles! Donations were collected and Jason raised $1,000! Josiah selected Brandon’s Defense Foundation as the charity to benefit from the event.

Jeff and Corey Claey’s hold a charity golf outing at Wheatfield Golf Course in Williamston, Michigan every year. The proceeds from the golf outings are donated to Brandon’s Defense. Since 2009 Jeff and Corey have raised over $8,000!!!

Children’s Ballet Theatre of Michigan, Inc.: CBT throughout the summer of 2014 took in donations at each of their performances and collected over $1,100! The group also all donated snacks to MSU Oncology Clinic for the entire month of September! It was a pleasure to meet these awesome dancers and some of their parents; and an honor that they choose Brandon's Defense to help the kid’s right here in our community with their cancer journey.
The Lansing Hockey Club and the Lansing Spartans Midget A joined together on February 3, 2017 for a game in honor of Adam Dec. Adam was recently diagnosed with B cell ALL Leukemia. This event was a family affair, which one would expect since Adam is from a set of triplets! Adam’s sister, Rachael, sang the national anthem and Adam participated in the ceremonial puck drop before the game between his brother, Joe, and the opposing captain. Adam’s Lansing Spartans teammates then took the ice against the visiting Houston Wild team, who made the trip to Michigan just for this occasion.
Thanks to all that came out to rally around Adam on this special night and supported the fight against childhood cancer. The event itself was extremely successful collecting close to $6,000! All proceeds from the event were donated to Brandon's Defense!

Thanks Merchant Solution International Employees for the $400 donation to help fight Childhood cancer!

The employees of ProAssurance contributed the proceeds from their 2014 Employee Charity Committee for jean day" held in March 2014. Thanks ProAssurance employees in Okemos, Michigan for your support!

Central Michigan University PA students held a walk/run "Beating Cancer One Step at a Time 5K" on April 17, 2011 at Island Park in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. There were about 100 participants and they raised almost $1,000!
Coast to Coast for Cancer: Two Grand Valley College Students (Matthew Moore & Zak Weber) ran for 6 days, over 200 miles and burned 21,600 calories as they ran across Michigan. Why? To help build awareness to Childhood Cancer and raise funds for Brandon’s Defense. The raised over $1,800! They don’t know anyone personally battling cancer right now, nor has either one of them been personally touched by childhood cancer… they just wanted to help those that have! This is an incredible story… very inspirational. Their efforts are so appreciated and very much admired.

The Waverly Warriors Girls Basketball Team held a "Shot for Gold" fundraiser in February 2011 to raise money for Brandon's Defense.
They raised over $1,500 in one night! Huge thanks to the team and fans for supporting our missions!

Charlie Waller had a fast-growing and inoperable brain tumor (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma or "DIPG"). There were a couple of fundraisers held to assist with his medical bills and quality of life. Charlie’s parents generously shared a portion of those funds with Brandon's Defense. Charlie passed on December 5, 2013, nearly three years after being diagnosed. His parents started a foundation in honor of Charlie to help with Hospice Care for Children. Visit: www.artforcharlie.com

Donald B. Doornkaat
February 18, 1927 - January 7, 2010 Memorial tributes were suggested to the ALS Association. Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy and Brandon's Defense.

St. Martha School had an "Orange Out" to support an alumni student who has leukemia. They raised $416! Thanks so much!

The Mason U10 Boy's baseball team hosted a night of baseball and raised money for Grace Bushey - Grace generously donated the funds to Brandon's Defense. Thank you boys and Grace... blessings and hugs to all of you!

Grace Bushey held a bake sale after mass at St. James Church in Mason Michigan. She donated the proceeds to Brandon’s Defense. Grace Allison was born August 14, 2000 and she earned her angel wings on October 27, 2014. Grace was a beautiful, strong, smart girl that always had a smile on her face bringing joy and happiness to all who were around her. She will remain in the hearts of many. Bless you Grace.

Thank you Bottle's Family for the $1,000 donation!

Huge shout out to Morgan Stanley employees! They had a casual Friday and chose Brandon's Denfese to donate the money they collected! Thanks Morgan Stanley employees for helping our cause!

Huge thanks to Fae Gibson for organizing this amazing fundraiser that raised over $2,000!!!! Fae lost her son Harper to cancer shortly after Brandon passed and has been deligent to raise awareness for childhood cancer. Thanks Fae for all your hard work to help kids with cancer and for helping Brandon's Defense with their mission!
Thank you Ken Day, Amanda Kirchen, Karen Kretzinger Bresler, Jamie Herron Mitchell, TeEra Briggs, Matthew Waligorski, Allison Jamnik, Robbin Ploughman, Kurt Stuttman, Jordyn Clarke, Phil DeWitt, Sharon Simonson the athletics staff, the students and many more...
Thank you D&M Silkscreening, Fat Boys Pizza, Amanda Makes Cakes, Paper Image, AE Superstore, Just Jr. Designs, Diversified Insurance, Good Fruit Video for helping Fae make this event one of the best!
Remember: Awareness = Funding = Research = A CURE!
Michigan State Spartans continue supporting childhood cancer by donating a portion of the chuck-a-puck proceeds to Brandon's Defense.
Thanks Spartan fans for your continued support!
In addition to the incredible #GoGold Awareness game, Holt Public Schools did a t-shirt sale at a basketball game to raise additional funds for childhood cancer! They raised $636.75! Thanks Holt Rams for your dedication to help kids with cancer!

Employees at the Mercantile Branch in Dewitt paid to wear jeans on Friday and donated $200! Thanks to all that contributed/participated and special thanks to Maureen Little for nominating Brandon's Defense as
the recipient of this fundraiser!

Thanks CSL Plasma for coordinating this fundraiser! And, thanks to everyone who came out and supported this event. This was posted on Facebook and had over 6,200 views and 69 shares! Texas Roadhouse donated $83.79. The raffle was the hit of the night... making almost $300. Congratulations to the winner - Donna Tocarchick!

HUGE THANKS to all that supported Brandon through his cancer journey and to those that now support our mission in his honor to help other children. If you are interested in doing your own fundraiser or if you have any questions on how you can help please contact us at brandonsdefense@gmail.com. Together we can and are making a difference!!